Courses taught

Global Ethics - Summer 2020 and Summer 2019, Illinois Institute of Technology

Emotions and Morality - Spring 2020 and Spring 2019, Illinois Institute of Technology

The Meaning of Life - Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Illinois Institute of Technology

Applied Ethics - Fall 2019, Illinois Institute of Technology

Philosophy of Well-Being - Fall 2018, Illinois Institute of Technology

How to Live: Ethical Perspectives from Buddhism, Islam, and Native Americans - Summer 2018, Brown University Summer Program

The Meaning of Life - Summer 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, Brown University Summer Program

Introduction to Philosophy -  Fall 2015, Brown University

Current Courses




Currently, I am a Sawyier Fellow at Illinois Institute of Technology, where I am teaching the following two courses this spring:

Emotion and Morality - PHIL 380 - An upper level philosophy course on the nature of emotions and their relationship to moral theory and behavior.

The Meaning of Life - HUM 200 - An introductory humanities course with a focus on critical reasoning and understanding the human condition, utilizing readings from philosophy, religion, and literature.


Moral Philosophy (Nomy Arpaly) - Spring 2018                   Consciousness (Christopher Hill) - Fall 2017
Early Modern Philosophy (Paul Guyer) - Spring 2016
The Philosophy and Psychology of Happiness (Bernard Reginster &
Joachim Krueger) - Spring 2015
Schopenhauer’s Ethical Thought (Bernard Reginster) - Fall 2015
The Meaning of Life (Charles Larmore) - Spring 2014
Deductive Logic (Richard Heck) - Fall 2013
The Meaning of Life (Alexandra King) - Summer 2013

Future Courses

Introduction to Ethics - Introductory-level survey course, emphasizing the relevance of ethical theory to the students’ real life concerns by utilizing various media to present contemporary cases illustrating the issues covered in class. Readings will include historical as well as contemporary sources. covering the major approaches to ethical theory, ethics of care, as well as the meaning of life.

Early Modern Philosophy - An introductory survey course. It goes beyond the canonical texts to examine particular philosophical ideas through the correspondence some major figures had with prominent women of their time, like Descartes’s exchange with Princess Elizabeth on the mind-body problem, or letters between Leibniz and Sophie Charlotte of Prussia, criticizing empiricist views.

Kant’s Practical Philosophy - An upper-level undergraduate course (can be adapted as graduate-level seminar). Covers the Kant's major writings in practical philosophy as well as contemporary secondary material. The focus is on the apparent conflict between the notoriously stern morality developed in the Groundwork and the seemingly more 'humane' views of the Metaphysics of Morals, where character and feeling play a prominent role. Exploring these two sides of Kant’s ethics allows for students to find their own position in conversation with the material, since it leaves room for many nuanced interpretations.

Well-being - A graduate seminar. The debates surrounding theories of well-being intersect with various literatures in interesting and complex ways. Aside from accounts of well-being, topics could include the nature of desires, theories of motivation, absolute goodness vs. goodness-for, the Euthyphro problem, and happiness vs. well-being.

Compassion - A graduate seminar. It begins with current theories of the emotions from philosophy and psychology before turning to various accounts of compassion itself, using historical sources like Aristotle, Descartes, and Smith, as well as non-western traditions like Buddhism and Confucianism. The debate over compassion’s role in moral theory and practice will be framed by the disagreement between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, and the contemporary debates spurred by “against empathy”-advocates like Jesse Prinz and Paul Bloom.